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Category: Tunisia

Tunisia – The Flights Home

Tunisia – The Flights Home

The return journey started well; although it would have been surprising to have bad weather in Tunisia in August. The controller directed us north along the low level IFR airways as is done with all VFR in these parts and after a couple of hours we were leaving the African coastline behind. A slowly lowering cloud-base had appeared across the water between Africa and Sardinia, and while it cleared up a little as we flew up across Sardinia, our destination…

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Tunisia – Exploring Tunisia

Tunisia – Exploring Tunisia

On our “day off” in Tunis we had decided to visit the ruins of Carthage, and the well known seaside village of Sidi-Bou-Said. After breakfast on the balcony we secured the services of a local taxi driver for the day, at a very reasonable price, and set about visiting some of the better known locations around Carthage beginning with the Carthage museum. The museum itself was fairly small, mainly full of carved statues and pottery from the time of Carthage….

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Tunisia – South through Corsica

Tunisia – South through Corsica

We left Rotterdam early on a Saturday morning. Juan had taken my advice to pack light to heart and turned up with only a small rucksack; with my flight gear, I probably had at least 3 times the amount of luggage! Fortunately, with only two light people on board, there was plenty of weight and space to spare. There was a light drizzle as we loaded the aircraft and took off, but after only a few minutes heading south the…

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