

I first started flying in 2005. Finding myself with a few months free from University, I went to European Flight Training in Fort Pierce, Florida, for a 6 week Private Pilot course. Returning to the UK, I spent two years flying with the Cambridge University Air Squadron (as well as the flying club based at the same airfield, RAF Wyton), and also a motor glider at a local gliding club. Leaving University I decided to try out some more adventurous flying, and the USA – Coast to Coast trip was born.

Over southern Thailand in 2019
Over southern Thailand in 2019

USA – Coast to Coast proved that this kind of trip was entirely achievable, as well as great fun, and this quickly led on to further trips across the USA, Europe, Africa and ultimately a full circumnavigation of the globe.

Since qualifying for my PPL I have added commercial and instrument ratings and amassed more than 3,550 flight hours across 80 countries and nearly 1,600 airports, all privately or for charities such as Angel Flight, and Flight for Every Mother.

The map below shows every airport I have been lucky enough to fly myself to (blue icons) as well as land and camp overnight at (orange icons) in my flying career.